Get Rid of your Mosquito Problem Today
This type of pest control makes a huge difference. Nobody likes their family, friends and other guests to be miserable during outdoor parties and summer get togethers. We understand and can help. As always, we provide free estimates for any type of pest control work you may need.
We exterminate mosquitoes better than anybody in or around the Columbus, Ga. area. Let us prove it to you! Let us help make your outdoor space an area you, your family and your friends will enjoy without being chased inside by pesky mosquitoes. Our prices are so low that this is one of the rare times when having a professional do it is actually less expensive that doing it yourself. Find out more about solving your mosquito problem by calling Jarrod’s Pest Control today at 706-221-8000.
Mosquito Facts and Questions
Mosquitoes are one of the worst things about nice weather. Getting rid of mosquitoes completely is not easy but there are steps you can take to greatly improve your outdoor space with mosquito yard treatments.
We treat all the areas around your house with powerful but safe products to make sure you, your family and your friends are protected from these annoying, potentially dangerous pests.
The best part about letting us eliminate your mosquitoes is our price. Call and find out how little it costs to rid your yard of these nuisance pests and make summer fun again.
Mosquito Facts
Just about everyone knows what a mosquito looks like but there are some interesting facts about them you may not be aware of:
- Mosquitoes find us and other animals by sensing the CO2 (carbon dioxide) in our breath. They can “smell” the CO2 from up to 75 feet away.
- Only female mosquitoes bite. Males feed on nectar.
- Mosquitoes are most active when temperatures are above 80 degrees.
- The raised bump you get from a mosquito bite is from it’s saliva.
- More deaths are caused by mosquitoes than any other animal on Earth.
- Your dog may be at risk because mosquitoes carry heartworm.
- Mosquitoes only live 5-6 months
What Can I Do To Prevent Mosquitoes Around My Home?
So you want to take care of exterminating mosquitoes yourself. Ok. You’ve heard the old expression, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?” Well, it’s true for mosquitoes, too. The best way to get rid of mosquitoes is to not have them in the first place. By taking some easy steps you can save yourself time and money by doing your own non-toxic pest control yourself.
Following the tips below can significantly reduce mosquitoes in and around your yard:
- Drill holes in the bottom of tire swings so water won’t collect
- Drain kiddie pools often
- Remove leaves and other debris from gutters
- Make sure gutters are angled correctly so they drain properly
- Keep empty flower pots and planters from collecting stagnant water
- Keep lids on trash containers
- Make sure ponds and pools are treated
- Remove any water collecting devices like bottles and cans
- Change bird baths often
Are Mosquitoes a Serious Health Threat in Georgia and Alabama?
The news likes to make a big deal every year about the threat mosquitoes pose to humans in the United States. While it is true that mosquitoes carry some serious diseases, it is extremely unlikely that you will contract West Nile Virus, Malaria, Dengue Fever or Zika Virus if you live in Georgia or Alabama. Still, exterminating mosquiteos in your yard is never a bad idea. It will keep your family and friends happy during those summer get togethers.
What are the Warning Signs of Mosquito Caused Diseases?
Zika Virus
If you develop a fever or become dizzy and confused after being bitten by a mosquito, don’t hesitate to see your doctor immediately. While it is rare to get some of the more serious diseases, it’s not impossible. Fever, red eyes, joint pain and inflammation are symptoms of Zika Virus and usually last less than a week. Sometimes, there are no symptoms at all. The real danger of Zika is that it can cause birth defects in pregnant women. There is no vaccine for Zika Virus at this time.
West Nile Virus
Most people infected with the West Nile virus do not develop an illness or any symptoms from the infection. However, an illness with fever occurs in about one out of every five people who become infected. The illness produces flu-like symptoms, including fever, chills, body aches, joint pains, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, fatigue, weakness, or rash.
Dengue Fever
Symptoms of Dengue Fever include:
- very high fever (105°F)
- severe headache
- pain behind the eye
- severe pain in joints and muscles
- continuous stomach pain
- nausea and vomiting
(706) 221-8000

100% Satisfaction
There is a reason our work is guaranteed…we do it right. If you would ever have a problem with pests while we are in charge of your pest control, we will work until the problem is resolved. Our contracts provide you with quarterly service and we will take care of any problems that may happen to arise between visits.
We Guarantee It!

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